Thursday 31 January 2013

My short story!

One of my modules at university is the short story workshop, and this week we had to set up a blog and post short stories, bits of poetry, mini sagas, etc, so that the lecturer can read our work and we can recieve feedback. So this week we each had to write down a word we liked and passed it around the class, we did this four times with two we liked and two we didnt, where we then had to make a short story using the words. The four words I recieved where; pernicious, flamingo, colloquially and torture. So this is my story, and I would appreciate any feedback or ideas to help me with my module!

Bobby the flamingo.
The group of flamingos, grazed along the river bank, attempting to catch their breakfast. One very small flamingo was stood by himself under a green palm tree, hiding from the blazing sun, waiting in anticipation and fright for the torture to begin! This particular flamingo had been submitted to nasty pernicious taunting from the rest of the flock because he didn’t talk like everyone else. Bobby isolated himself from everyone, in hope to avoid the taunting and often wished he was somewhere else. That morning a group of flamingos strolled over to bobby and began to laugh, point, and spit at him. Bobby didn’t respond. He knew that they laughed at him for speaking colloquially and for having a strong African accent, so he tried not to speak. After being tortured for an hour Bobby began to wonder if it would ever end, but eventually the pernicious comments stopped, and the flamingos became bored, so they turned from Bobby, and searched for their next victim to torture.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bring on SUMMER!

This is quite pretty though...
Snow, snow, snow. The current hot topic of late (or not so hot). I don't understand everyone's 'love' for snow. I have hated it this time around, all I want to do is hide from it, inside with comforting food and thermal clothes on! 
I ventured out to uni yesterday and instead of it taking me 15 minutes, it took me near enough an hour, walking like a fat drunk, from too many layers and the fear of falling over. My only saving grace was that I was clever enough to bring my Hunter wellies back to Coventry with me! They are the best wellies ever. Fact. I spent the whole time clinging onto my friends feeling like an old woman, and moaning at how cold I was. Not only this but with all the little kids off school, you have to be on your guard, in case you suddenly get bombarded with snowballs (which, lets face it probably has rocks in anyway). 
After my lectures, to cheer myself up for feeling triumphant about not falling over I went to the pub... Well deserved I thought! 
I mean, I'm not totally against snow, as a child I loved it, the snowmen, the school days off, the sledging, but now I've grown up and I realize how much of a hassle it is. I cant drive, walk, go out at night (or wear heels), and on one day taxi's, buses and trains had stopped.. such an inconvenience!

I say forget the snow, forget the cold feet, the humiliation of falling over, and the frizzy hair we get from the cold and bring on SUMMER. Glorious summer, the sun, the late nights, the heat, the time where tiny shorts are allowed, ice cream is bearable and you look forward to your holidays! I've been so depressed with this weather I have already made plans for two summer holidays, to blissfully hot countries where snow is no where in sight! 
I say goodbye to winter and hello summer 2013!

I mean what would you choose?

Option 1.
England at the moment.

Or Option 2?
My idea of heaven.

Not long now guys.... hold on!

Monday 14 January 2013

Has anyone seen Les miserables?

The latest film out in 2013 is the infamous les miserables, and I haven't got a clue what it's about. It's got a star studded line up from Anne Hathaway (Devil wears Prada) and Amanda seyfried (Mama Mia), and from the trailer it looks really good. A couple of my friends have already seen it and said it was fantastic, but I wondered if there was any film 'buffs' out there that could shed a bit more light, on the story line, even if you haven't seen in it on film yet.

So what did you all think? <3

Why do us girls love shoes so much?

So, after cramming revision in for the last week and becoming a recluse, then sitting my exam, on Saturday (a Saturday???) I decided to treat myself, for all my hard work!
Following people on Instagram and twitter, I've seen that everyone is buzzing about Jeffery Campbell shoes. They're amazing! I can't even describe how good they are. If you haven't seem them before, go, go now and google them. They are everything from flats, boots, heels and wedges. So I googled  Jeffery Campbell and office's website came up, after trawling through the pages of gorgeous shoes, I eventually found a pair of shoes, they're amazing. I went for natural black, that go with everything, with a wedge. They're leather on the bottom and have a velvet t-bar. Heaven. Not only are they designer BUT they were on sale! Even better. So I brought them. I can't wait for them to be delivered, and parade in them when I go out in uni.

If you fancy havimg a look here's office's shoes website;

Happy shopping, let me know how you get on. <3

Friday 4 January 2013


Welcome, bloggers, readers, writers and everyone else. This is my first ever blog and I am hoping you will enjoy reading it, as much as I will enjoy writing it. I am writing this blog, not to become 'popular' but to simply share my thoughts, and record my life. I have always wanted to blog and have never really known where to start, so hopefully I wont mess this up too much! haha. I will simply write about things I have done, thoughts I have or even beauty products or films, I reccomend! I am hoping that you will find this interesting, but bare with me as I play around and develop myself as a blogger.
Thank you.